Arcana Mater
I’m making portals, securing old indigenous thought to birth a new future. Frida’s atomic pain is a way to re-channel the uterine pain of her life into the scale of an atomic bomb, for the purpose of eroding weapons and the department of defense. This is not only a pretty picture - this is construction of a psychic architecture to aid the mind in the way of the Buddhas whose temples make use of ephemeral mandalas and visualization techniques that manifest material acts. Atmospheric theory says, we construct climates, and climates construct us, including our imaginations. What did Fanon say long ago?
"Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray it."
So weapons MUST end, or we’ll never live to see the infinity of humanity’s true horizon. Linear perspective presupposes a finite point. When we follow the feminine, not only is there no horizon, there is no teleological system. As a matter of fact, we become immortal. Structural evil knows this. It’s why medical science took the cervical cancer cells of a Black woman, Henrietta Lacks, and made billions off her flesh, even as her descendants died of physical and mental disabilities. Gyneco-Theosophical projects bring death to pharmaceutical practices that wear her skin like or akin to a 21st century minstrel show.
They say during excavation of the subterranean earth beneath Teotihuacan, they found caves, because ancient Precolombian Mesoamericana worshipped these spaces as metaphors for the entrails of a serpent, which is to say, they worshipped wombs, and the serpentine emergence of consciousness: Hindus would call this the Kundalini. I represent these symbols alongside pussy pics, the results of bottom surgeries posted by trans women on Reddit, leaving a trail for other girls to imagine themselves with the proper entrails.
A gender transition is a wound closing, a body dressing itself, in ornaments as in fashion embellishment and in needed clinical intervention as we would dress a scar.
Plato was wrong. There is only the cave and its ancestral desires. We deserve to be totally incomprehensible. We deserve to be blind, not out of torture, but instead, so that we may listen, so that we may feel ourselves in the dark.
And all along I have made spheres and circles because it’s like building:
a protection spell which draws a circle
Around the sacred object , we can also say the same of the
OR the ovary,
And this will ensure that something remains.
In the movies when, the aliens show up, it’s out of crisis or catastrophe. Or a protector has come.
Because we need help
To make sure
the seed is there and has a place to grow.
Don’t forget Palestine.
Don’t forget their home
I want to retrieve all the burned codices of the ancient past - all the mythologies of my grandmothers. UFO theories say all living memory is preserved in a strata of the cosmos: Helen Blavatsky the founder of the 19th century Theosophy movement would call this the Akashic Records. I have it on good authority that a picture designed according to the ratio of the Fibonacci sequence can open a transdimensional door to any point in time. In the culture of the Kongo, this geometric fabulation is called Mukula, the vertical axis of time.
It’s not my intention to be opaque. Obscurity exists for abstract thought.
It’s why Christ spoke in parables. Why the buddhas wrote in poetic prose after emerging from caves. Why Susan Sontag titles her book on art criticism “against interpretation”
It’s not to conceal truth,
Or to gate keep knowledge.
It’s to enhance beauty
It’s the same reason why I’m dosing myself with synthetic estrogen.
We need to be beautiful.